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Please follow the above links to access articles from my newsletter, The Scarboro Heights Record, and the
publications of the James McCowan Memorial Social History
I will continue to add pages relating to public service, so please check back often.
Some Stories and
Information Relating to
Public Service, Leadership, Civic Duty and
As Published in
Neigh the Front -- Exploring
Scarboro Heights |
Rebellion of 1837 |
The Scarborough Loyalists |
Robert McCowan, 1855-1931 |
Reeve and School Benefactor |
James Archibald McCowan, 1850-1933 |
Application for Land Grant re Fenian Raids, 1903 |
War effort on the Home
Front |
Ruth McCowan letters, 1916-18 |
Laying a foundation for the Scarborough Museum |
Community Day, 1922 |
James Whiteford McCowan, 1814-1897 |
Councillor |
Hannah Ashbridge, 1854-1935 |
Co-Founder of Lakeview Womens' Institute, 1914 |
Ashley McCowan |
Church Leadership |
Robert E. Stobo |
Hero makes the supreme sacrifice, 1916 |
The Fenian Threat |
Scarborough's superior response |
Elections, New Right to Vote and
"Secret" Ballots |
1917 |
Obligations of Youth |
Putting out a grass fire on the way to school, ca
1935 |
Alexander McCowan, 1853-1939 |
MPP, Founder of Ontario milk marketing movement |
Firefighting |
1925-53 |
Exercises |
Here are a few notes about some of the McCowans who have served Scarborough well, both
in municipal administration and in the context of local agriculture, the backbone of
Scarborough's prosperity for 150 years:

By 1880, the Scarboro Fall Fair had earned a reputation as:
... one of the best Township fairs we know of... The live stock exhibit this year
was good, and comprised many of the prize animals at the Industrial and Provincial
Exhibitions... About 1,000 entries were made, and there were, we should judge, 1,500 to
2,000 people on the grounds.
The continued success of Scarborough Fair toward the end of the 19th century may, at
least, be partly attributed to the energy of Alexander
McCowan (1853-1939):
We the President and members of the Scarboro Agricultural
Society, cannot let this opportunity pass, without expressing our appreciation of the
able manner in which you have conducted the affairs of the Society. During the time you
have held the position of Secretary, we have noticed with great pleasure your efforts to
please and give satisfaction, to all who have come in contact with you. We would ask you
to accept this token of our appreciation and to bid you and your wife a prosperous journey
through this life, and may it be crowned with happyness and prosperity.
Alex balanced his hectic farming activities with the business of the Agricultural
Society. On August 1, 1892, Alex "finished making out prize list for Fair in
forenoon". On September 26 he was "making entries till 12 o'clock. Got them all
done that was in". On the 28th "a lot more entries came in. Got through about
11:00". September 29, the day of the Fair, was a "fine morning" and the
very busy fellow "started for Fair, but had to turn back for tickets. Had a very good
Fair on the whole. $270 gate receipts and stand." Two days later Alex "made out
prize list for Pickering News. Got $1 for doing it".
Many of the Scots in Scarborough earned reputations for their farming skills and
successes at fairs. Their enterprise, competitive spirit and dedication to public service
were passed onto their family. Alex McCowan, Conservative MPP for
East York riding, 1905-1913, and Sheriff of York County, 1913-1934, received his
agricultural and public service education from his father, James
Whiteford McCowan (1814-1897):
There was scarcely an agricultural exhibition in either county or township in
connection with which the name of James
McCowan did not appear as a prize winner for the last half century... [Two sons,]
George and Alexander, who live on the homestead, lots 32 and 33, concessions C and D,
composed of 220 acres, being two as highly cultivated farms as are to be found in the
township... For seven years he represented the township in the Municipal Council.
Similarly, Alex's cousin, Robert McCowan, was on Scarborough
Council for a number of years and Township Reeve for three. A meticulous farmer, he spared
no effort when it came to his prize grain. His daughter, Ruth, must be given some credit
for his exhibition successes:
We have all been busy picking over oats. Papa is sowing a field for the contest and
there must not be any weeds. It is a tiresome job, and there is still a bag and a half to
do, a whole day's work. I have not been off the place except to church on Sunday.
In early August, 1918, Robert or "Papa" was:
a judge in the standing crop competitions this year, and is away to Bobcaygeon for
the rest of the week. Then he is going out to New Liskeard and Cochrane. Papa told me if I
would help him make a sheaf for the Ex, he would give Mamma and I
the money he got for it.
Ruth, reported the results: "we got the prize for our sheaf and the grain as well.
They are being sent down to Ottawa Fair next week. Aunt Jenny Neilson got first prize for
her socks."
Robert McCowan was nearly always awarded first prize at the Canadian National
Exhibition for his sheaf of oats. He won the world's prize for grain at Wembly, London,
From Fairs and Frolics: Scottish
Communities at Work and Play (citing, in
particular, the Ruth McCowan Heron letters, the Alex McCowan 1892 diary, a framed presentation to Alex
McCowan and Annis Annals)
Scarboro Heights Record V7 #1