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StandupScarborough Standup Scarborough is a new organization promoting the strengths of the vibrant communities that make up Scarborough, Ontario. This civic pride initiative is expected to include a volunteer award component -- those who Stand Up for their community should receive some recognition. Scarborough is rich in diversity, history, culture and natural beauty. These attributes should become more widely known as the StandUp Scarborough project gains momentum. My best wishes for the success of this new organization. From The Scarboro Heights Record V12 #1 The Environmental Revolution and The Age of the Volunteer We have heard that the "Environmental Revolution" is about to begin -- or perhaps the philosophy of putting the future of the planet ahead of personal wants has already taken some hold. But the Environmental Revolution will quickly die without dedicated volunteers for organization, promotion and operational activities. Indeed, I understand that recent polls show that the environment is losing ground to the economy as a top priority for taxpayers. This is all the more reason for volunteers to take up the slack left by the government. The twenty-first century will be the "Age of the Volunteer" -- not only with respect to environmental concerns, but also on economic and social issues as well. Please join the crusade. Continued in the next issue. Environmental Study WaterQuality Enhancement Project Brimley Road Drainage Area You can begin your "Volunteer Environmentalist Career" by submitting your comments on the Environmental Study Report regarding the Water Quality Enhancement Project for the Brimley Road Drainage Area. The authorities intend to reduce the effects of stormwater and combined sewer discharges to Lake Ontario. The report is available for review until April 9/94 at Cliffcrest Library in Cliffcrest Plaza, 2977 Kingston Road at McCowan, 396-8916 and at several other locations including the Clerk's Department at the Civic Centre, 396-7279. Volunteer Board Members Cliffcrest Community Centre Cliffcrest Community Centre, a non-profit organization, is looking for Volunteer Board Members. Please take this opportunity to share your special skills and enrich your community. The Board meets about 7 times a year. The Centre has many activities including an Adults / Seniors Co-ed Fitness Program and a Child Emergency Workshop ("Link To Life"). Volunteer Reporters Required! Scarborough Thrives -- Crime Dies! I don't know about you, but it seems to me that the media generally spends too much time on sensationalism. Criminal acts -- especially when the perpetrators perform in Scarborough -- are particularly exciting "scoops" for many journalists. Maybe reporter school should concentrate more on telling the public about all the good things in life. And if the conventional educational programs are not providing this sort of guidance and vision, then maybe we should start our own "Scarborough Good News Network"! Hopefully the message will get through. Let's begin now by setting the record straight on the real crime rate in Scarborough relative to other parts of Metro Toronto. On a per capita basis, the number of non-traffic criminal code offences in Scarborough in 1992 was only 55% of that in East Toronto police district, 75% of that in West Toronto and 96% of that in Etobicoke. Only North York had a lower rate of crime per capita than Scarborough (89%) -- but North York has more uniformed officers per capita. These figures are based on the Annual Report of the Metropolitan Toronto Police. Moreover, Scarborough's crime rate has declined 4.5% over the past year while the rates in the other districts were up. So, as Volunteer Reporters, it is your duty to "spread the news"! Scarborough is not only still a great place to live, but has a lower crime rate than most other parts of Metro.And don't forget to tell the "other media" to stop bashing Scarborough! Send your Good News Stories in to me for publication in the Scarboro Heights Record.
Stage Door Theatre Congratulations to Scarboro Heights' very own Stage Door Theatre on a series of wonderful performances of Jack and the Beanstock at Cliffcrest Community Centre. I enjoyed it so much, I went back to see it again! Four out of their six shows were sellouts. Thanks to all for supporting this production.From The Scarboro Heights Record V2 #2 The Environmental Revolution and The Age of the Volunteer National Volunteer Week in Canada has just come and gone. In my last issue, I presented my "introduction" to "The Environmental Revolution and The Age of the Volunteer". I'd like to expand on this a little now. Whether governments have the initiative -- they certainly don't have the money -- to effect and enforce an Environmental Revolution is not a relevant issue. Environmental policy change must begin with people ("complainers" need not apply). Those who wish to leave a liveable world for their grandchildren must personally dedicate time, energy and money to the cause of environmental protection and conservation. This may mean picking up litter on the sidewalk or delivering "awareness" leaflets or donating to a wildlife conservation trust or running for public office. "Environmental Education" offers many opportunities for the concerned volunteer. The recording and presentation of personal knowledge gained by personal experience -- sometimes called "Oral History" -- is a vital component of the environmental education process. Here is an environmental education oral history project for you... Note: Please search the internet for the current authorized contact information pertaining to the above organizations. From The Scarboro Heights Record V2 #3 |