Fanny Annis' Scrapbook
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Will of David Annis The will of David Annis, farmer of Scarboro, leaves an estate of $33,707 of which $29,800 is in real estate, chiefly farm property including parts of lots 19 and 20 con. D Scarboro valued at $14,000. In addition there was $1300 cash, $800 in horses and $500 in cattle and swine. By a will, deceased directed that all his property should be divided between his son and three daughters, Geo. A. Annis, Ida Mary Annis, Rhoda May Annis, and Edna Annie Annis. To his son he left the homestead with 390 acres directing that each of the daughters should receive $1300. A farm south of Highland Creek is to go to Ida Mary, one known as Motley Place to Annie and 55 acres in the township of Pickering to Rhoda. The household furniture is to be equally divided between the daughters whilst a brick house, stables and three acres in lot 120? con. C is set apart for their use as long as they remain unmarried, each, on entering the state of matrimony, to renounce her claim. The residue of the estate is to go to the son.
"Mount Pleasant Farm" lot 1 concession 1, Scarboro' on March 31 was the scene of a pleasant event in the celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Annis. The guests, numbering about one hundred and twenty, gathering from Scarboro', Pickering, Oshawa, Darlington, Whitby, Toronto, York and Garafraxa, were received at the door by Miss Ruth Annis and Miss C. Chester, both prettily dressed in white. About 4 o'clock, when the children, grandchildren and near relatives had all arrived, they were prettily arranged on the lawn in front of the residence, and the group was photographed, the whole of the assembled friends and relatives being then taken. Repairing to the parlor, Rev. C.V. Lake, a former pastor, pronounced a blessing on the aged couple, followed by prayer by Rev. Mr. Toye, the present pastor, at the conclusion of which Mr. D. Annis, eldest son, read an address of some length, and Mrs. T. Pherrill and Mrs. Thom presented their father and mother each with a pair of gold rimmed spectacles. The guests repaired to the spacious dining hall and partook of a bountiful repast. Streamers of white and gold satin ribbons suspended from the ceiling divided the assembled at the tables in couples; there was a bountiful supply of pretty daffodils, roses and myrtle spray tastily arranged. The grandchildren served the tables with systematic precision and exactness. Rev. C.V. Lake acted as master of toasts, and the following toasts were drank: -- "The Host and Hostess", spoken to by Mr. Tredway, Mr. James Chester and J.R. Dales, M.D., and replied to in an appreciative manner by Mr. D. Annis and Levi Annis on behalf of the host; "Our Country" was ably upheld by J. Richardson, ex M.P.P.; S. Armstrong, Elijah Armstrong, and Rev. Toye; "Our Soldiers" received honored commendation for the valor and patriotism in standing for the defence, expansion and unification of our empire by T. Beare. The evening was spent in games, pleasant chatting of old time association and singing. The Scarboro Heights Record V11 #7 Some Deaths in the Annis Family ANNIS -- On Sunday, March 31, 1912, at Port Union, Andrew Annis, member of York Pioneers, in his 89th year [Fanny's father]. Funeral Wednesday, April 3 at 2 p.m., from his late residence. Interment at Washington Cemetery, Scarboro.
One of the early pioneers of Scarboro Township, in the person of William Annis, was buried in Darlington Township yesterday. Mr. Annis was in his 95th year. The greater part of his life was spent in Scarboro and Darlington Townships. The father of the late Mr. Annis was a U.E.L., coming to Canada in the year 1793. At that time Governor Simcoe sent for him at a point near the Humber where he was camped and, in return for a two year old heifer owned by Mr. Annis, tendered him 100 acres of land, upon a portion of which property the T. Eaton Company buildings now stand. On examination, Mr. Annis declined the offer.
Death of Levi Annis Bowmanville, Nov. 29 -- (Special) --
The funeral of the late Mrs. D. Purdie [Nellie Annis, Fanny's sister] was largely attended. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives.
Owing to the death of Mrs. Purdie, the party at C. Callenders was postponed until Tuesday evening of this week.
Centennial Corners Mrs. Janet Annis, widow of the late Levi Annis, died on Sunday morning after a few days' illness. Although Mrs. Annis had been in poor health since the death of her husband over two years ago, she was not considered dangerously ill, and the news of her death will be a great shock to everyone. But she was quite prepared to go: she died as she had lived, a true Christian. She was interred in Washington Church cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. A memorial service will be held in Centennial Church next Sunday afternoon. The deceased was born in Scotland over 73 years ago. She resided in Darlington from the time of her marriage until about 17 years ago when Mr. Annis retired from active work and came to live in Port Union. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing friends.
Scarboro David Annis, one of our oldest and esteemed residents died at his residence, Kingston Road, on Saturday morning, Dec. 26th at the age of 77 years. Deceased has long been with us and until the past few months maintained that determination for which those of the land of his nativity are noted. Deceased leaves one son and three daughters, his wife having died several years ago. The funeral took place on Monday at 2 p.m. and the remains were interred in the burying [ground] at Washington Church, at which edifice a memorial service will be held next Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
Scarboro The funeral of the late Mrs. Jeremiah Annis took place yesterday from the home of her son, W.D., to Washington Cemetery. The pall-bearers were the sons and sons-in-law of deceased. Service was conducted at the house and at the graveside by Rev. Mr Lake, Rev. Mr. Oke and Rev. Mr. Washington. At the Church the attendance was so large that many were unable to obtain admission, many old friends being present from Oshawa, Bowmanville and other eastern points.
ANNIS -- Mary Annis was born in Scarboro' Ont. in the year 1811. Her parents, Levi
Annis and Rhoda Conant, had sought a home in the woods a few miles from Muddy Little York.
Only vigorous toilers could succeed in those pioneer times. Industry and economy led them
to Darlington, where fields again responded to axe and plough. During the year 1828 under
the faithful and fruitful ministry of the Rev. Daniel McMullen she gave her heart and life
in consecration to God, and either with the Wesleyan Methodists or Bible Christians, as a
divine providence led, she continued in church fellowship until death. In the year 1835
she became the wife of Thomas Courtice of Darlington. In 1841 they moved to Pickering, and
settled near Dunbarton. Duties as local preacher, class-leader and steward, in midst of
abundant labors on the farm, kept father busy, while mother undertook, with diligence and
economy, the cares of the household. Both longed for and delighted in the peace and
prosperity of the Church of God. The preachers always found comfort and encouragement in
that home. January 1 1860, he ceased at once to work and live. Mother journeyed along
life's pathway nigh forty years later until Wednesday October 12 1899, after a few days'
illness, she fell asleep, aged eighty-eight years, at her son's residence near Clinton. On
Saturday, October 14, the family and a number of friends of former years met at the old
family burying ground, Pickering village. Rev. Dr. Langley read our burial service, and
her mortal remains were laid by father's side, there to await the resurrection morn and
light of eternal day. May we all meet in the morning. All from the Fanny Annis Scrapbook as cited in