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Volunteering to teach and mentor our youth must be considered one of the more valuable contributions we can make to our community and to society in general. Of course it is a tricky subject now. There are risks involved. The volunteer must certainly be of good character. Here is the early 1890s story of a volunteer Sunday School teacher who was certainly of exemplary character...

Port Union

On Monday the 26th ult. Mr. Andrew Annis’ residence was suddenly taken possession of by a large number of the young people of the Centennial Methodist church. The visit which was a great surprise to all the family was the occasion of presenting to Miss Nellie Annis a Combination Book Case in recognition of her service in the Sunday School for a number of years past. About half-past eight Rev. E.R. Young, the junior pastor, was called to the chair. A short impromptu program was given. The presentation was made by the superintendent, W. H. Closson, and the address was read by Miss Lillie Knowles, the secretary of the school. The address was as follows:

Miss Nellie Annis,

When we consider the success of our Sunday School entertainments of the past few years and that their success was due so greatly to your efforts, we have felt compelled to acknowledge your services in some small way. The ability to instruct and train children is not given to all. The patience needed in perfecting the young in their parts can only be appreciated by those who have themselves taught. Both these virtues you have exhibited in an extraordinary degree. No labor have you spared and all your natural gifts you have unreservedly given to our school. We could not let your great services not only of past years but especially in our last successful Sunday School entertainment of the 19th inst. pass unnoticed, so we hope that while we can never repay you for your labor and time, that this present will be accepted as a mark of our appreciation of what you have done. We also hope that this small mark of appreciation will encourage you to be not "weary in well doing" and to train under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the children of our Sunday schools, not only to please the public but also their heavenly Father and help them to serve more faithfully the Saviour and Shepherd who has done so much for them. Kindly accept this gift of a Combination Book Case with our good wishes, kindest greeting and warmest affections.

Signed on behalf of the Centennial Sunday School: E. Ryerson Young, B.A. Junior Pastor, W.H. Closson, Superintendent, Lillie Knowles, Secretary, W.H. Brumwell, F.W. Collins, Fred Davis.

The gift was a beautiful polished oak Combination Book Case and writing desk and was indeed a handsome present. Mr. Andrew Annis responded for his daughter. He spoke of the complete surprise and was glad that he could think his daughter deserved recognition for she had labored conscientiously and as the entertainments showed successfully. Several interesting speeches were made by those present. Messrs. Closson and Harrington added to the pleasure with their string instruments, then the young people spent the remainder of the evening in general good fellowship and games and one of the most successful surprise parties in Port Union came to a happy close.

        News clipping in The Fanny Annis Scrapbook
The bookcase proudly remains in the family of Nellie Annis‘ granddaughter.

The Scarboro Heights Record V11 #8

PS: Dec. 29/12

Professional teachers volunteer hundreds of hours every year on extra-curricular activities for students. Ontario's Bill 115 fails to show any respect for all that teachers have so freely and graciously been doing with their spare time.