Scarboro Centennial
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Scarboros Centennial The little town of Woburn was the scene of much stir and bustle on Tuesday afternoon, and old residents who had not visited the townhips capital for a quarter of a century were much in evidence. It was indeed an interesting sight to see some 50 of the old settlers of Scarboro seated in one group to have a plate taken for the Centennial Book about to be issued, regiving the early as well as the subsequent history of the municipality. Judging from appearances, half a century ago, Scarboro possessed many handsome maidens, as well as robust and gallant swains. It was indeed a study to gaze upon the faces of these half hundred old people and read there of trials and hardships time had impressed thereon. But withal it was a happy assemblage, and many an old and half-forgotten experience was recalled ere farewell greetings were exchanged. The celebration on the 17th and 18th gives promise of much success and preparations will be made for some 5000 people. To be sure the committee have met with many difficulties, such as local jealousies, and the like but such was to have been expected. They have but one object in view, however, the making of this Centennial a success. They want all the old settlers to assist them, as well as the younger people. In fact, let all the people help. Below we give a list of the names as well as ages of those who were photographed on Tuesday. The list may not be correct in every particular but it is as near so as we could get it. George Taylor, aged 79 years, William Bell, 75; J.L. Patterson, 65; John Dunn, 79; James McGuin, 65; James Wyper, 83; James McBeath, 70; Andrew Young, 76; David Martin, 75; Hugh Elliot, 76; John Buchanan, 70; John Tingle, 70; Mrs. Elliot, 76; A.M. Secor, 76; John Little, 75; D. Forfar, 75; Arch Elliot, 72; Mrs. Oliver, 84; A. Walker, 70; A. McCreight, 70; John Calandar, 68; Thomas Ormerod, 70; Mrs. Joseph White, 79; Mrs. George Stephenson, 88; Elias Wood, 66; Mrs. J. Johnston, 74; Mrs. J. P. Wheeler, 80; Mrs. M. Carmichael, 75; Andrew Bell, 81; Isaac Chester, 79; Mrs. W. Clarke, 75; Silas Pheonix, 72; D. W. Thompson, 76; Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, 75; William Helliwell, 85; Mrs. Gordon Rennie, 80; Mrs. James Green, 80; Mrs. R. W. Thomson, 74; Mrs. John Morgan, 80; James McCowan, 80; John Holmes, 63; Mrs. R. Loveless, 66; Mrs. A. Pherrill, 80; Mrs. R. Jackson, 81; James Laurie, 80; Jonathan Beard, 76.