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If you can identify any of the students in these photographs, please email me at

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SnGirlsChamps66.jpg (96831 bytes)

Senior Girls Softball Champions, 1966

Back Row: Mr. E.W. Richardson, Miss Pezak, Sandra Wilson, Debbie Brown, Barb Hardiment, Julia Hope, ______, Mrs. Walker

Front Row: Debbie Bergie, Maureen Braithwaite, Bonnie Benson, Mary Dale Carmichael, Janet McCowan, Judy Bran, Christine Shaw, ______________


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SnBoysball67.jpg (90605 bytes)

Senior Boys Softball Finalists, 1967

Back Row: Mr. Wilson, Jim McMillan, Bill Funnell, Dave Hay, Lui Fortunato, Gord Davis, Rick Farmer

Front Row: David Nicol, ________ Rick Katsuno, Rick Hartrick, Tom Hamilton, Bruce McCowan