Land Ownership
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Some Stories and Information Relating to the Land
As Published in

Neigh the Front -- Exploring Scarboro Heights
Drawing Hay on McCowan Road Photograph, ca 1910
Farm Buildings, field organization, subdivision under construction Aerial Photograph, 1950
Labouring Class and Land Clearing Bush Whackers ca 1837
Prosperous English Landowner buys a farm 1830
Sons of Scottish Landowner Look for land 1842
Farm Affordability Perspective of a Scottish Minister, 1832
Land Clearing Tragedy Fatherlessness, 1832
Rural Prosperity 1871
The land as a legacy Fairness and Equity, 1882
Founding of the Milk Marketing movement Dairying, 1892
Eastern European Immigrants Cemetery, ca 1930
Farm no longer worked Land-use change -- Scarboro Heights Park
On the Farm 1925-1950
Subsistence gardening The Great Depression
Proud farmers Owing money during the Great Depression
Threat to Crops Storm of '35
Stopping erosion on the Farm Model T and Willy's Knight
Subdivision development and construction Risk-takers, 1950
Proposed Strip Mall Preferred location for a new bank, 1952
Donation of Parkland Developer obligations
"Trespassers will be Persecuted"
The School Fence Safety and the sanctity of private property
Fighting the Marshalling Yard and Scarborough Expressway Community Solidarity on land-use
Expropriation Thwarted Park Expansion and property owner rights
Student Archaeological Dig 1956


Some Stories and Info on This Web Site
Relating to The Land
(Other than the above links and their child-links)
(Back Issues of Scarboro Heights Record)
Memories -- on the Farm 1925-1950
Scottish Immigrants 1841, Government land ownership policy
Food Security Quiz Importance of Agriculture
Scarborough Fair Agricultural Improvement
Attempted Bribery of a Councillor ca 1925
Field, Food and Family Oral History Interview Project

Our Values With Respect to the Land

I would like to elaborate a little on the first point in "My Pledge as a Real Estate Sales Representative". The "individual right of real estate ownership" is something that Scarborough's residents have rather taken for granted for almost a century. Our "right" to own land under the principals that we now enjoy was won by those pioneers who escaped poverty and, oftentimes, mistreatment in Europe. The fight for individual land-ownership "rights" is but one battle -- a very long battle -- in the much longer war for democracy.

A desire to have some association with land is probably the single most visible element in the Canadian identity. For four centuries, Canada has been the destination of hundreds of thousands who did not own real property elsewhere on the planet. The desire of new Canadians to own land is as strong now as it was in the pioneering era.

The evolution of the Canadian identity is, to a large degree, the evolution of our relationship with the land. The Canadian identity cannot be understood unless we comprehend our values with respect to the land -- from home ownership to preservation of the family farm. The story of the evolution of our values with respect to land must be told if we are to comprehend the vital importance of any future commitment to the land. If we understand the changing relationship between Humanity and land in the past, we surely must be much better prepared to deal with the forces of change in the future.


Land Use Planning in Ontario

The Municipal Policy Planning Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs is interested in your opinions on proposed reforms to Ontario's land use planning system. Policy statements have been drafted regarding: natural heritage and ecosystem protection, restoration and hazards; community development and infrastructure; housing; agricultural land; conservation of energy and water; and mineral resources.

From The Scarboro Heights Record V2 #1