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D. Bruce McCowan, P.Eng.
19 Monarchwood Crescent
Don Mills, Ontario

Canada, M3A 1H3


Clear-Headed Problem Analysis

Bruce McCowan immensely helped Landis & Gyr by developing a very concise Certification Requirement regarding the location of limiting controls in conjunction with innovative combination gas controls. His draft Requirement was recently endorsed by an ad hoc committee for further processing by the Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council. This issue has been nagging the North American gas industry for several years. Thanks to Mr. McCowan's clear-headed initiative, the gas industry should very soon be better served with innovative gas controls.

Jacques van Heijningen, Sr. Marketing Manager, Combustion Products, Landis & Gyr, Inc.


Professional Problem Solver

Bruce McCowan developed a concise interim procedure for dealing with the supply of propane cylinders with gas barbecues. The procedure was of immense value to the grill industry as they struggled with problems associated with the introduction of a new consumer cylinder connection device. Bruce also showed himself to be very capable and professional in his capacity as a member of the committee for developing North American design standards for gas barbecues.

Ken Sharer, Product Engineer, Quality Assurance Manager, Fiesta Barbecues Ltd.


Organized Consensus Achiever

Bruce McCowan successfully coordinated a gas industry response to an apparent field problem. He developed concise criteria and obtained consensus approval from a diverse group of interests (manufacturers, regulatory authorities, utilities, research organizations, standards committees). This resulted in improved appliances with increased durability and enhanced safety.

P. Barry Cavens, P.Eng., Gas Utilization Manager, BC Gas Utility Ltd.


Innovative Project Manager

We were faced with the prospect of certifying a totally new product for market introduction. Bruce McCowan helped develop new standards for that product and spear-headed its certification. His innovative approach saved significant expenditures and time over more conventional third party processes.

R. Rackham, Vice-Pres., Engineering & Research, Fuelmaker Corporation


Clarity of Argument

In my view your extremely well presented expert report contributed in large measure to the relative success of our client and the other manufacturers. From my perspective it was by far the most professional of the expert reports filed. I would like to say as well that the mediator, the former Chief Justice, did not make a single critical comment against our client or the manufacturers and I attribute that in part to his respect for our position which relied, to a significant extent, on your expert report. You were miles ahead of the other experts.

Larrie N. Boddy, Ogilvie and Company, Barristers and Solicitors


Team Leader and Project Champion

I would therefore like to nominate Bruce McCowan for a Scarborough Bicentennial Award of Merit for the important leadership he has shown in championing Scottish culture in Scarborough for Bicentennial Year and previously. Like many Scots and people of Scottish ancestry, Bruce is an engineer by profession where I understand he has also displayed his leadership abilities.

John A. Hutchinson, Senior Manager & Deputy, Royal Bank of Canada, 2nd Vice-President, St. Andrew's Society of Toronto


Passionate Scholar

Bruce McCowan’s scholarship is exemplary and it is a mark of the impact that his contributions have made that he was, as a Canadian citizen, absolutely core to the BBC series on events that took place 200 years ago in Scotland.

Peter Aitchison, Editor, The Lowland Clearances, BBC Scotland