Partnership with Business
Community |
Social Institutions and Corporate
Scarborough Canadian society has been living on borrowed money for too long. New examples of slashed government spending on social services appear daily in the headlines. The extreme value of any marriage of corporate and social institutions cannot be disputed. I am very pleased to advise my readers that nine Scarborough companies and the Scarborough Arts Council jointly support and promote the program "On My Own Time". This is an annual competition of corporate employees who devote their non-working hours to the creative process. The work of the 1993 award winners is being shown at 1859 Kingston Road until February 28. Scarborough's Scottish Heritage The James McCowan Memorial Social History Society, a non-profit, non-charitable organization dedicated to the preservation of Scottish Canadian heritage, has teamed up in a most unique way with both business and the Ontario Historical Society or "OHS". The theme of the 1994 Annual Conference of the OHS is "Feasts, Frolics and Fun" -- very similar indeed to the central theme of Fairs and Frolics: Scottish Communities at Work and Play, published six months ago by the McCowan Society. The first print-run of 500 copies is now sold out. Copies of a special printing of this official "Toronto 200 Project" will be given free to all 200 or so Annual Conference Delegates. With respect to this gift to delegates, the McCowan Society and OHS are grateful to the following individual and business sponsors:
The Annual Conference of the Ontario Historical Society is being held on May 13 and 14, 1994. From The Scarboro Heights Record V2 #1 March 3, 1994 Councillor Frank Faubert, Ward 8City of Scarborough 150 Borough Dr. Scarborough Ont. M1P 4N7 Re: "Scarboro Heights Record" and Public Art Dear Sir Thank you very much for your letter of Feb. 28/94. Please find enclosed a copy of my Fall/93 newsletter, "The Scarboro Heights Record". The article that appeared in "Surface and Symbol" is, more or less, on page 1. Also enclosed is my Jan/Feb 1994 issue. As you can see, a principal purpose of The Scarboro Heights Record is to promote a sense of "Community". A more prominent presence of art (such as I have described) in public places will undoubtedly cause most of us to focus on the goodness in the community around us. Hopefully, too, each of us will then be encouraged to make more positive contributions to the community. I am very pleased to support community projects such as Fairs and Frolics: Scottish Communities at Work and Play, published by the James McCowan Memorial Social History Society in August 1993. Fairs and Frolics places the experiences of the Scarborough Scots within a more general context. This format gives the booklet a potentially large readership well beyond the borders of the City. Thus, Fairs and Frolics may be quite effective in promoting Scarborough right across the Province and beyond. Also enclosed are two leaflets regarding the presence of Fairs and Frolics at the 1994 Annual Conference of the Ontario Historical Society -- a very significant step in this direction. Wishing you and your staff and family the best. Sincerely,
Beatriz McCowan, Sales Representative cc: Mr. B. Fleury, Commissioner, Recreation, Parks and Culture |