Archaeological Resource Centre, Toronto Board of Education
The Archaeological Resource Centre offers students and members of the
public the opportunity to dig into Toronto's past. This unique "hands on"
archaeological experience allows everyone a chance to make a real contribution to the
discovery of Toronto's buried history.
Association of Ontario Land Surveyors
Incorporated in 1892, the Association currently has about 750
active members. From the viewpoint of the land surveying profession, we are very
interested in the historical relationships between the land and the people.
Black Creek Pioneer Village
Black Creek Pioneer Village, a heritage project of the Metropolitan
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, is a folk museum re-creating a 19th century
Ontario town. Located at Steeles Avenue and Jane Street.
The Cabbagetown Preservation Association
The Cabbagetown Preservation Association is concerned about the
effects of development on the historic streetscapes of our neighbourhood.
Campbell House
This Georgian home, built for William Campbell, Chief Justice of
Upper Canada, is now a museum at its new location near Osgoode Hall. The beautiful
collection of Georgian furniture and the costumed guides interpret the legal and social
environment and Anglo-Scottish traditions of Campbell's Upper Canada of the 1820s.
Canadian Music Centre
The Canadian Music Centre exists to promote and disseminate the
music of Canadian composers. The Centre's library includes approximately 12,000 scores,
both published and unpublished; some 35,000 recordings of Canadian music; biographical
files on some 400 composers and programme notes on many works.
Canadian Toy Collectors' Society
A library, informative and social monthly meetings, mini-swap-meet
programs, annual toy show and sale, tours, the Canadian Toy Collector newsletter and Hobby
Guide are all used to further the objects of the Canadian Toy Collectors' Society.
Community History Project
The Community History Project is collecting and cataloguing
historical information about Toronto's old Ward 5. The Project is under the very capable
leadership of President Jane Beecroft.
East York Historical Society
The East York Historical Society is a community based organization
dedicated to preserving and promoting East York heritage. Our programs and activities
include monthly speakers, walking tours and special events. Meetings are held on the last
Tuesday of the month at W. Stewart Library, East York, and are open to the public.
The French Connection
Two groups of women working across the Atlantic Ocean between Metro
Toronto and Brittany, France, -- the French Connection -- produce joint and individual
La Société d'Histoire de Toronto
This French historical society researches Toronto's 400 years of
French history. Two booklets have been published. The Founding of Toronto and the
Francophone Presence from 1720 to Date is bilingual and includes a map showing
locations of the three French Forts that were once in the area.
The James McCowan Memorial Social History Society
Through publications such as Fairs and Frolics we hope to
obtain some measure of the attitudes, principles, and values that ordinary Scots brought
to Canada. We aim to identify and investigate elements of the Scottish-Canadian identity
and to place the ordinary Scottish-Canadian within the context of the Canadian identity.
Oral history is a major focus. Membership is open to any person interested in Scottish or
Scottish-Canadian heritage.
Mississauga Heritage Foundation
The Mississauga Heritage Foundation promotes awareness and
participaton in Mississauga's heritage through administration of the Bradley Museum,
publishing a newsletter, printing community walking tours and the presentation of displays
and exhibits.
Montgomery's Inn
Montgomery's Inn, Etobicoke's Museum, is a handsome Georgian inn
restored to the 1840s. The Inn features guided tours, exhibits, special events and
afternoon tea.
Ontario Black History Society
The Ontario Black History Society is dedicated to the recognition,
preservation and promotion of the contribution of Black peoples and their collective
histories. Audio-visual presentations, oral history interviews, Ontario Black History News
and travelling exhibitions are used to promote the objects.
Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch
Founded in 1966, we are a group of more than 1,000 individuals who
share a common enthusiasm for family history and a desire to share information and
expertise. Some members live in the Toronto area with research interests in many
countries. We also have members throughout the world with research interests here.
Ontario Guild of Town Criers
The Ontario Guild of Town Criers is dedicated to preserving and
enhancing the art of town crying. Each crier, as an official representative of his or her
mayor, reads proclamations at civic and official functions, and acts as a goodwill
ambassador for the community.
Ontario Historical Society
The Ontario Historical Society was founded in 1888 as a non-profit,
educational organization dedicated to increasing an appreciation of Ontario's history and
preserving its heritage for people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. The Society
presents many programmes throughout the province including workshops, an annual
conference, History to Go, the Young Ontario Programme, special events and a wide variety
of publications including our journal, Ontario History and newsletter, the OHS Bulletin.
Royal Canadian Legion
We hold our annual Sunrise Service, begun in 1919, every November
11 at Prospect Cemetery at St. Clair and Lansdown. Near the Cross of Sacrifice, several
thousand veterans are buried.
St. George's Society of Toronto
The St. George's Society of Toronto aims to bring together persons
of English or Welsh birth or descent for the provision of charitable and educational
assistance to deserving persons, and for the furtherance and preservation of the English
and Welsh heritage and culture.
The Beach and East Toronto Historical Society
Our purpose is to raise awareness of local history in the east end
of Toronto through meetings, special events and publications.
Heritage Toronto
Toronto Historical Board is the City of Toronto's advisory agency
on matters relating to its history and heritage. The Board operates five historic site
museums: Fort York, Spadina, MacKenzie House, Colborne Lodge and the Marine Museum. It
delivers a range of public programmes and advises City council on issues of heritage
The United Empire Loyalists'
Association of Canada, Toronto Branch
Dedicated to preserving the history of Loyalist families, the
Toronto Branch of the Loyalists' Association is presently compiling a third volume of
Loyalist Lineages of Canada. Monthly meetings as well as periodic social events which
emphasize the Georgian period in North America are other important functions.
The York Pioneer and Historical Society
Founded in 1869, the York Pioneer and Historical Society operates
Scadding Cabin in the CNE grounds as a pioneer museum and maintains Eversley Church in
King Township. The Society's activities include monthly meetings with guest speakers, a
bus tour, a newsletter and the publication of an annual journal.
While the following groups did not have exhibits at the 1993 CNE, their kind assistance
with the promotion of Fairs and Frolics is gratefully acknowledged.
The Multicultural History Society of Ontario
By encouraging community efforts to gather ethnic material and to
present the material to the public, the Multicultural History Society of Ontario hopes to
heighten appreciation of the many heritages which contribute to the quality of life here
in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada. Exhibits, seminars, a library and other means are used
by the Society to promote multicultural harmony and other objectives.
Scarborough Arts Council
Scarborough Arts Council is dedicated to bringing local history to
life on the walls of our City in its "Mural Routes" project.