Community Work
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Churches do wonderful work in the community, both locally and in God's communities around the world.
The Late Mrs. Hill, Hartfield It is with feeling of extreme regret that we record today the passing of Mrs. William Hill at Hartfield on Saturday morning. Mrs. Hill came of an old Cumnock family, long and honourably connected with the district. She was born at Lowesmuir in the year 1850 and was the youngest daughter of the late John McCowan, auctioneer. She married Mr. Hill in 1874 at Hartfield, and for a short period the young couple took up house in Glasgow, and then removed to Ayr for several years. They returned to Hartfield in 1882 on the death of Mrs. John McCowan and on the passing of Mr. McCowan the following year they decided to make Cumnock their home. All her life Mrs. Hill took a very active part in assisting any charitable object, and all the churches in town and many other public institutions were greatly indebted to her for the help she gave as a stallholder at bazaars and similar functions. She was an able organizer and her consideration and tact enabled her to elect willing assistants and to invite abundant supplies of work for sale. During her whole married life she was a staunch member of the United Free Church. She took much interest in the affairs of the local Nursing Association; indeed the last time she was able to be out she attended an Association meeting. She ungrudgingly undertook her annual round of collecting, and the doners in her district will long have happy recollections of these visits. Her bright disposition and cheerful personality were appreciated by a wide circle of friends and she was the centre of a large family circle in all of whom she took much interest and by whom she was much cherished. In November of last year Mr. and Mrs. Hill quietly celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, and in recognition of the happy event they received fitting presents from her family. Mrs. Hill enjoyed perfect health until some few weeks ago, when sudden illness confined her to the house. She passed away peacefully on Saturday morning in her seventy-fifth year. The funeral on Tuesday was of a private nature and the Rev. Alexander Bain of Broxburn U.F. Church (Mr. Hill's cousin) was the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Hill is survived by her husband and a family of four sons and three daughters, to whom the sympathy of the whole community goes out at this time.