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If you can identify any of the students in these photographs, please email me at bea@beamccowan.com.

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Peterson54G4.jpg (41878 bytes)


Mr. Peterson's Class, Grade 4, 1953/54

Across Back: (__________)? Bonnie Clark?, ___________, Drew MacMurray, __________, Bob Lee, Donna, Norma Houghton, Angus Smith
Standing at Left: Ralph Skelton, Wayne Roberts, ___________, Mr. Peterson, Paul Raymer, Bob Lake, _________, Jimmy Gray
Fourth Row: Barbara Prior, _________, Eddie Blackburn, __________, __________
Third Row: ____________, Bob Elliot, ____________, ____________
Second Row: Garth Greener, Garth Hartley, Howie Marks, __________ , Marylou Gillespie
Front Row: Jean Harper, John Hayton, Duncan Crich


I'm sitting beside Jean in the front row and Duncan Crich is to my left. Jean and I were in the same class throughout our years at Halbert. We were the male and female leads in our grade four stage production when Mr. Peterson was our teacher. My father started the cub pack at Cliffcrest Church in the early 1950s which in turn produced a second cub pack which operated out of Fairmount School.

John Hayton

The Scarboro Heights Record V12 #4