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The James McCowan
Memorial Social History Society

is Proud to be
"Front and Centre" at a Major Exhibition

Toronto -- A Place of Meeting
10,000 Years of Toronto History

Toronto Reference Library, Canada Trust Gallery
789 Yonge Street, Toronto, 416-395-5577
June 28 - September 22, 2002

On Display will be

  • The Robert Ashbridge McCowan and William Harold McCowan Collections of Indian artifacts. These collections include the earliest known evidence of human occupation in Toronto, approximately 8,000 BC. The sub-title of the exhibition, 10,000 years of Toronto History, was so chosen due entirely to these relics found by Ashley and Harold McCowan.
  • James McCowan’s letter of August 20 1834, written from Springbank, Scarborough (lot 20 Conc B), 8 days before his death of cholera. This letter is very significant to medical history in Upper Canada for it’s references to cholera deaths in the neighbourhood and, in particular, for McCowan’s first-person description of the early symptoms of cholera.

Truly significant to Toronto, these pieces of our history originated in Scarboro Heights. Refer also to "Toronto's Lost Sites Project" for closely related information.

The Scarboro Heights Record V10 #5