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Historic Sites in Scarborough Heights
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Scarboro Heights Record
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Name of Historic Site
Scarborough Heights
Site Categories
- Natural Features (Highest point on the Scarborough Bluffs)
- Aboriginal settlement situated on this site (ca 8000 BC) (see "McCowan/Cudia"
- Communications (survey tower)
- Recreation (Scarborough Heights Park, ca 1906-29)
- Religion (Sisters of St. Joseph Convent)
Lot 21-23 Concession B, Scarborough (at the edge of the Scarborough Bluffs)
Cudia Park is to the immediate east
Perly's 1997 Map Coordinates: 37 B6 (Lakehill Cr.) and 25 F6
Current Use
The area is presently residential.
Historical Description and Significance
This site embraces several key heritage notions:
- possibly the earliest presently-known site of human occupation in Toronto (early
archaic, ca 8000 BC) (see "McCowan/Cudia" site)
- Scarborough Bluffs
- Geodetic Survey Tower was situated here, being the highest
point on the Bluffs
- The ancient shoreline of Lake Iroquois is marked by the steep hill just north of the
present beach (for example, at Midland Ave south of Kingston Road). The only portion of
Scarborough that does not include this hill is in the McCowan Road / Brimley Road area.
Thus, in the nineteenth century, this promonotory into the ancient Lake Iroquois and the
highest point on the Scarborough Bluffs became known as "Scarborough Heights".
Relative Importance
Very High
Rationale: In cooperation with other immediately local stakeholder
groups, there is significant opportunity to provide interpretation on a wide variety of
local heritage themes (aboriginal and early Scottish occupation, arts, nature, geological
formations, transportation and communications)
Planning Implications Coordinated with Other Lost Sites Nearby
- Cooperate with Ontario Heritage Foundation re occasional alternate interpretive themes
using the McCarthy property.
- Cooperate with private property owners re the archaeological excavation of the site of
an 1833 log home.
- Cooperate with Metro Toronto Conservation Authority re occasional uses of the adjacent
Cudia park for interpretive purposes.
- Cooperate with Waterfront Trail authorities re access to and promotion of these local
interpretive opportunities.
- Plaques: Early archaic occupation (ca 8000 BC); Communication (Survey Tower)
Reference Sources and Additional Materials
- "Scarborough Historical Notes and Comments", Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 17
- R.R. Bonis p. 10
See also attached list (34 of the most relevant items in our Scarboro Heights bibliography)
Aug. 3 2000 and Reprinted in The
Scarboro Heights Record V10 #2