Valuable Building Materials
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The early Scots' "house-raising bee" in Upper Canada has an important connection with the nature of the tenant / dwelling relationship in the old country. In at least some parts of Scotland -- and perhaps more universally at an earlier period -- the tenant actually took the timber members of the roof with him when he surrendered his tenancy. Some Kincardineshire tenants in 1705 had evidently made a habit of taking more construction materials than authorized:
The new tenant was thus required to substantially rebuild the house with his own roofing timbers -- the cycle, of course, would continue. In addition, over time, the effects of the weather on the roof members required that they be repaired or the roof replaced altogether. Doubtless, the neighbours would assist with such work and enjoy the frolic afterwards.
From Fairs and Frolics: Scottish Communities at Work and Play The rebuilding of the roof by the new tenant is one possible explanation for the origins of the "caber toss". Men would compete to see who could most accurately throw a rafter into place. |