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James McCowan Memorial Social History Society
c/o 19 Monarchwood Crescent, Don Mills, Ont., M3A 1H3

A Non-Profit, Non-Charitable Organization Dedicated to Placing the
Scottish Experience Within the Wider Context of the Community

Dear Friends

The James McCowan Memorial Social History Society ( is offering a senior High School Award for Community Studies. This award to students at Canadian high schools is an extension of our work with BBC-Radio Scotland on their recent series "The Lowland Clearances"  ( The values of John McCrae, author of In Flanders’ Fields, were partly shaped by the impact of the Lowland Clearances on his Scottish ancestors.

A Student Award
Your Community
In a World History Context

The James McCowan Memorial Social History Society is offering a prize for the best essay on the following subject:

Discuss the impact of the Agricultural Revolution in Lowland Scotland on the development of rural Scottish communities in pre-Confederation Canada. Use this web site,, and the bibliographical sources listed on

Please go to for an overview of why the lowland clearances were -- and still are -- important to Canada's development. This page also includes a list of the best resource material and an endorsement from BBC-Radio Scotland.

We hope that World History students across Canada will participate in this essay contest.  Please refer to the many positive reviews of our projects on Our methodology for using Community Studies as a catalyst for teaching information processing is at

One theme that students could follow in their essay is the evolution of the value system of John McCrae, a relative of the McCowans of Scarborough. Some introductory material is on and and linked pages.

For an Introductory Student Workshop
Call Bruce McCowan, P.Eng., 416-447-4895


Note to Teachers
This program is voluntary

If you wish your students to participate in this prize competition, your commitment is required to the extent that the students must receive some academic credit for their essays and their essays must be graded accordingly.